Terms & Conditions
In class:
1. Classes start promptly - please arrive in plenty of time.
2. If possible, children should ideally wear their Tumble Tots / Gymbobs T-Shirts with their name sticker. It gives the children something to identify with and helps us to get to know them.
3. Tumble Tots and Gymbobs should wear tracksuit bottoms, shorts or leggings. Bare feet are definitely best!
4. Adults in class (walking-2yrs and 2-3yrs groups) - please no high heels or heavy boots.
5. For safety reasons, for 6 months+, walking-2yrs and 2-3yrs classes, you must stay with your child at all times, and support them as they tackle the activities. The best way to do this is by holding the back of the child’s T-shirt to leave hands free for climbing. For the littler ones, more support may be required, but try to avoid taking both of their hands and ‘walking’ them over the climbing frames, as this discourages them from using their hands when they really need to, and gives them less practice at balancing and shifting their weight appropriately.
6. PLEASE DO NOT let your children go on to the equipment before or after classes. This is particularly important directly after the class has finished, because once all the little guys have got their stickers and are back with their parents/carers busy getting their coats on etc, we may be moving the equipment around for the next class.
7. For Gymbobs and 3yrs+ classes, parents and guardians are usually out of the room, allowing the children to work with our instructors and build their independence and confidence. You are of course still expected to stay on-site at all times. If your little one needs you (to go to the toilet for example), then we will bring them out to you. Even if older children would ordinarily be happy to go to the toilet on their own, for reasons of safeguarding, we still need to see them safely to the person responsible for them. As with the younger age groups, PLEASE DO NOT let your children back into the room unattended after classes (after Gymbobs, and some 3yrs+ classes, we’re finished for the day so the door may well be open for equipment loading).
8. For hygiene and in particular for the safety of our customers with allergies, please refrain from bringing food into class.
9. Most of all HAVE FUN!
Annual Membership Renewal
Membership of the national organization is mandatory as it covers insurance. New starters will be contacted shortly after starting classes to get that set up. Your membership will run on a rolling 12 month basis, so when renewal is due, you’ll get an email from head office to get that organised.
Catch-up sessions
Whilst we we cannot offer refunds for missed classes, as we are a large centre, operating 6 days a week, we can usually find a suitable class to accommodate a catch-up session. Catch-ups are a courtesy service and obviously must be carefully planned so that we do not exceed our cover limits. They don’t need to be done during the same week as the missed class (and can even be planned in ahead of time for things like long holidays etc), but ideally, they should be taken during the same half term block as the missed session (they’re not usually “banked” or rolled over to later half term blocks). Likewise, if you’re planning to be away, then it would be hugely appreciated if you could let us know, so that your space might be used that week for someone else if needed.
Session fees, priority booking, class moves and cancellation policy.
Classes are paid for via a rolling monthly direct debit, which is usually taken on 1st of each month. Term dates and holidays vary, so to keep things simple, we average out the fees to give a standard monthly amount. The Monday groups in Guilden Sutton occasionally miss a class due to bank holidays and scheduled hall availability, therefore fees for Monday classes are at a slightly reduced rate to account for this.
So, if you need to cancel your place in class, please give us 30 days’ notice in writing (text message or email is fine). Once you have advised your preferred leaving date, we’ll amend your final payment accordingly.
Everyone signing up for membership and attending the Chester area groups gets priority over the waiting lists. This is primarily to make sure that we can arrange a place in a suitable class within a sensible timescale once your little one is ready to move up into the next age group (but it does apply to other situations too… for example, that priority also extends to siblings, so if your Tumble Tot has a little brother or sister who is ready to get started, please contact me directly and the next available space is yours - sibling groups also get a 10% discount on class fees).
When your child is starting to look ready for the next challenge, and would like to move up into the next age group, please discuss this with our instructors in class. They can fill you in on what is involved in the next stage, and having worked with your little one can advise on suitable timescales etc. Please note that moving up into the next age group is not automatic. We don’t base this simply on an age cut-off, instead it’s much more about what will work best for each individual child in order to maintain a nice smooth progession for them. In practice, we generally find that most little guys are not usually ready to move up into the next age group until a good month or two after their birthday, but it can vary quite a lot. If you have any questions about the content of a specific class, drop me a line.
Unscheduled closures.
On rare occasions, due to circumstances beyond our control, we may have to cancel a class. When this happens, we will contact everyone due to attend that day to advise (so it’s a very good idea to update us if your contact details change). In the first instance we would then attempt to accommodate as many catch-up sessions on alternative days as we can, so that the little guys don’t miss out that week. We’d be very grateful for your flexibility with this, but obviously we appreciate that it may well not be possible to arrange a replacement service for everybody. For anyone who can’t get to a replacement class, the cancelled session will be deducted from your next payment.